COVID Workplace Safety
Seminar: ID# 1005061
Pricing: $99.00
About This Course:
Workplace safety and OSHA guidelines are rapidly changing and are fundamentally paramount to every organization in relation to COVID-19.
With state and federal recommendations and regulations changing almost daily, many organizations are not aware of the steps - and requirements - that must be taken to comply with new guidelines and protect against lawsuits.
Many of the recent and crucial OSHA and compliance changes apply to all organizations, no matter what the organization's role in industry and without regard to the number of employees. As such, organizations must create and update policies to guide managers and employees through the maze of government and CDC guidelines, new OSHA regulations, and the questions those changes provoke.
For instance, is your office ready for employees to return to work? Do you know what new modifications to have in place before employees return? Do your supervisors and managers know how to respond to COVID-related employee questions? How do FMLA and ADA play into workplace safety?
Learn the answers to these questions and more, while you protect your employees from entering an unsafe work environment and shield your organization from liability, lawsuits, and litigation.
What You'll Learn:- What you must do keep employees safe and protect your organization as everyone returns to work
- How OSHA's COVID-19 guidance impacts everyone - even if you work in a small office environment
- What actions you must take to comply with new Federal laws governing OSHA, FMLA, and ADA
- How to recognize, control, and mitigate COVID hazards that currently exist in the workplace
- How your company is impacted by new FMLA laws - even if you never qualified for FMLA in the past
- Ensure your company has new policies and procedures in place to protect against COVID-related lawsuits
- To prepare supervisors, managers, and directors to recognize and act on employee requests for time off and other accommodations under the new ADA and FMLA laws
- If you need to develop an Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response Plan - and how to create one
Continuing Education Credits:
Click the 'Credits' tab above for information on PHR/SPHR, PDCs, and other CE credits offered by taking this course.